Monday, December 13, 2010

Project Update!

These past weeks, I have accomplished:
-Deciding theme for the talent show; which is the Grammys
-Made the official sign-up sheet
-Made very colorful posters/ads that indicates when and where auditions are
-Decided on who is incharge of what tasks in my talent show crew
-Made assembly, intercom and class by class annoucement
-Made a talent show sign up list; so far approximately 27 has signed up for auditions
-Decided to add another audition date after winter break, on the fourth of January
-Found the hosts for the show; Miranda Sita and Jose Aguilar
-Got Kevin Schilling to video tape the entire show
-Spoken to Bonnie about ticket sales, she suggest we should sell at the door to make it less of a hassel.

Challenges that I've came across:
-Not many were informed, that was why I decided to go to each class to make a quick annoucnement.
-Some were concern about the time available before auditions, so I've arranged another audition date after break.
-I did make another sign up sheet that was more professional than the handwritten one, howoever, when it was some how taken down the next day when I posted it up in the cafeteria
-Not many participants but as of today, I got at least 10 to sign up just by going around and asking. (new method)

-Look forward to auditions and make sure to take notes of what is needed in the act etc.
-Send out notes that notify performers, when their final audition date is
-Start looking for decorations to match the theme
-Start asking teachers to be part of the panel of judges
-Get completed script from the MCs
-Talk to ASB about paying for a Lion Dance performance during judging and perhaps, walkie-talkie headsets for backstage crew (could be used for future talent shows)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Project Updates

Leading Projects:
Talent Show:
       Before Thanksgiving break, I was able to go talk to Mrs. Stark about booking the gym for the talent show auditions, rehearsal and the night of the performance. There were no conflicts except a minor one which was Music Club usually have band practices in the gym. However, that was resolved because I went and spoken with Mr. Savishinsky. After that, I went and gave an update to Mrs. Wombold. She sent me a task list from two years ago as a reference for me. Another task I've completed was making the Talent Show Audition Sigh-up sheet. Also, I was able to email Mrs. Gilman before the week ended, asking if it was possible to make a small announcement about the upcoming audition dates and it was successful. Today, I had a few help with making poster signs about the talent show audition dates and post it around the school. New tasks for me to do would be to read through the Talent Show Tasks List from Mrs.Wombold and start assigning jobs for the followers in this project.

AHS Thought/Express Yourself Wall:
          I officially begun the project today during the leadership class by drafting a list of potential questions that would be in the jar for people to pull out. Now, I am going to type up the questions and then cut out the ones that are approved, then place it all in a jar or box. I've also figured out how I'm going to manage the materials and looks like I wouldn't need to buy anything. I have the camera and Mrs.Fitz has eraseable white board markers.

Following Projects

The Wright School: (completed)
Seniors Holiday Party:
            I have been doing lots of research on what restaurant in Seattle would suit our party. I've came across Hardrock Cafe and found the terrace to be really nice. I've contacted and called the booking manager where she agreed to email me the menu selections and the agenda for that day. Apparently, the price range was over the expected value I've had in mind. Luckily, Wendy found a restaurant in burien where there is a private banquet room that we can be in for the party. Throughout this project, we also recieved lots of positive feedback and it seems like people are really interested in going.

Friday, November 19, 2010

2nd Project Proposal

Project: AHS Express Yourself Wall
Executive Summary: AHS Express Yourself Wall, is a project that involves AHS student's thoughts and input in order for it to be complete and successful. The purpose of this project is to not only get student's thoughts and opinions acrossed but also to help us understand each other's values and perspectives better. Students would draw out a question/ topic strip out of a bag or jar, and answer it by writing their opinions on the white board. After that, they would get a picture take with their answers, in front of a butcher paper. After enough pictures are gathered to be displayed around the school, my project team would be printing, cutting, pasting pictures on the construction papers and then post it on the walls. We will be announcing this ahead of time through NOTAM, so AHS students would be notified about what is going to be happening on that week and possibly have an intercom announcement before lunch on the day of, as a reminder. The tolo dance ticket sales booth may or may not be an obstacle because it would help us gather students over to the tables. No materials are needed to be bought because I can provide most of them and I'm sure other helpers could too. To decide whether this project will be successful or not, depends on not only, how many students were willing to participate but if students shows interest and excitement towards this. And when the pictures are posted up, people would take the time to stop and read all the thoughts. Most importantly, students would remember doing something like this and would feel excited to do it again next year. Perhaps it can become a new AHS tradition.
Need: This project is significant and timeless because it is a creative way for AHS students to understand/get to know each other more. Also, it's a fun bonding activity that involves everyone's input in order to accomplish this project. In order to complete this project, I would need a variety of students who are willing to express their opinions of different the topics or questions given and who would be happy to get their pictures with their thoughts, displayed around the school. And most importanly, this would be something everyone would remember doing because it would be displayed around the school. This idea was inspired by what Cascad Middle School did and according to Mrs. Fitz, it was pretty successful and exciting.
Objective: In order to fulfill this project, I would need to dedicate my lunch time probably for 2 weeks or so, depending on how many pictures and thoughts are taken. On the first week of December, I plan to brainstorm with my follwers,  a list of possible topics or questions for students to answer. These questions could be very broad and I'm expecting at least 10 would be approved by the mentor and an administrator. Therefore, this task would be a short term. Another short term would be deciding how to execute the project. Either students come to a table displayed during lunch, where students who are interested, would line up to pick out a question from the jar, write their answers on a white board and get their picture taken. Or, the second option, is to come to the students and ask random ones. If the first plan doesn't gather many student's thoughts, then we'll follow the second plan. After getting at least 50 thoughts from the students, printing, pasting the pictures onto a construction paper and getting it displayed around the school would be the long-term objective. I would need at least three helpers when gathering the pictures of thoughts and 5-7 helpers with printing, pasting and posting pictures around the school.
Method: To achieve the objectives I've established, I'm going to start working on the first week of December. I plan to create a list with one of my followers on this project, and get them approved. After that, I will need help typing the questions up, cut them into rectangular strips and then added into a small jar/bag or box. After that, I would need to get my camera ready by clearing up some space on my memory card and also, charge the camera. As for the white boards, I would need at least two boards and colorful markers to work with. So, I can ask to borrow from Mrs. Fitz. After all of the materials and equipments are prepared, I or any of my followers, would need to make an announcement through the notam or through the intercom, or even, both. If we choose to annouce through NOTAM, I would need to send an email to Reba or Lenore the message before Monday, the 6th. After the annoucement is completed, setting up a space to work with would be the next step. However, this would be the same week where dance tickets would be sold during lunch so it would either be an obstacle or an aid where students could get drawn to both stations. My station would have a big colored butcher paper (for the background) posted up behind the table. We can have two-three students writing their thoughts down at the same time for their question. So then we could have two lines, one for pictures and one for answering questions. After that week, I would need some helpers to help me print out all the pictures, have it cut out, pasted on nice construction paper. Finally, maybe around the week before winter break, we could have some leadership kids help us post the pictures on the walls throughout the entire school.
Evaluation: I know my project would be effective and successful when there are many students who are interested in expressing their answers everytime our station is set up during lunch. I would expect to see a crowd full. And the end result, when all the pictures are posted around the school, I would expect anyone who walks by would take a few minutes to read the thoughts of AHS students.
Qualifications: I am a good candidate for this project because it involves creativity and art is one of my strengths. I love getting the school involved with these type of projects so I will definitely try my best to make it work. Also, if I ever need help, advices or have questions, I can talk to Mrs. Fitz because she has experienced it before at Cascade Middle School. So far, people who are willing to help me are Emily Chhun and Wendy Au, both would be an asset to my project because I know both are very organized and would do every single tasks orderly and wonderfully.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Other Projects (Blog 5)

For my leading projects, I have the Talent Show and this project that Mrs. Fitz and I discussed about. According to Mrs.Fitz, the kids at Cascade did this project as well and it is to basically ask any questions to any ahs student, have them write their answer on a white board and take a picture. Pictures will be printed, cut/paste on construction paper and posted around the school. This is a great project idea because it gives ahs kids the opportunity to express their opinions and it is fun to learn random facts about other people. So, this would be my second leading project, the AHS Express Yourself Wall (Any better names?)

The projects that I would be following would be Wendy Au's project which is a Christmas Party for the seniors, Sarah Canul's Senior Bowling Night Project and Miranda Sita's Wright High School Visit Get Together

Project Status #1 (Blog 4)

I haven't done much except sketched an outline of the gym. I am a little behind schedule but I can definitely catch up and start getting some work done. Luckily, I have three followers on this project so far, therefore, more tasks will be completed. I figure that the first thing I would need to complete would be a tasks/job list and start signing people up--for those who are willing to help. Mrs.Wombold and I have reschedule our meeting time because of the peer mentoring that would be happening almost every Thursday. The new meeting time would be on Tuesdays.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Force Field Analysis

Driving Force:

-Great way to start off the new year.
-Entertaining for students, teachers and parents.
-Continuing an AHS tradition
-Always has been a fun and relaxing event
-Students get a chance to express themselves to the school
-Learn something new about the students
-Stress-free, especially since its the end of the week.
-Good opportunity to socialize.
-Create wonderful memories!


-Not all students may be interested in attending this event
-Students may not want to buy the tickets
-Not enough performers
-Gym may be booked on that day
-People might not buy snacks at the confectionery stand
-Decorations: might have to purchase.
-Too much work to accomplish in the amount of time
-Might get chaotic during talent show
-Technical difficulties, e.i. sound system, lights...
-Transition time might not be quick enough
-Not enough stage space?

Top 3 Barriers I will try to change:
2. Work and Time management
3.Technical Difficulties

Decorations: Although it is possible that we may need to be purchasing some items, money would be an issue. Therefore, we can try to make the decorations and try our best to recieve some donations from ahs families. Also, to make the decorations stand out even more this year, we can extend the stage to the center of the gym. Perhaps a runway or a platform? I plan to ask Mr. Gudor to help with building a platform or runway since he built the stage steps

Work and Time Management: This is a big project. But if we were to tackle and accomplish 2-3 tasks each week, we can totally make this happen :) That is why, I plan to always update the milestone and tasks list on this blog. Also, with the help from Mrs. Wombold, who has experienced this before, she would be a great help in giving advices and pointers.

Technical Difficulties: All I can say is REHEARSE, REHEARSE and REHEARSE. Do several sound checks. As for transitioning between acts, organize certain instruments needed for each act, so the performers can easily set up. I plan to go ask Mr. Savishinsky if he can help us out on the week of the talent show plus, if he can come in on dress rehearsal day and stay after school on the day of talent show. I also plan to go over the stage crew's roles, what they would be doing and when they would be doing it, so the audience wouldn't have to wait while we are setting up for the next talent show act.

Milestone/Information Update!

So!, I've asked Mrs. Wombold, the advisor of Culture Club who coordinated the talent show a few years ago and she said yes! HOORAY! Also, we have planned a few important dates within the four months before showtime.

Here is the Milestone Update:

-Date: Friday, January 21
-Location: AHS Gym
-Time: 6:00 pm-8:30 or 9:00 pm
-Theme: Winter Wonderland (No creative name for talent show yet)

For the Month of October:

October 28th, Thursday~
-Get a rough layout of the gym, with decorations and organization of seating and stage, started
-Book the gym for January 21
-Discuss during ASB meeting about using ASB funds to purchase decorations.
-Create a list of jobs for potential helpers/followers.

For the Month of November:

(No specific dates yet)
-Assign jobs and tasks for helpers/followers
-Finalize gym layout
-Start looking through catalogs or websites and order decorations OR plan to make flyers to ask for after-Christmas decoration donations
-Start making posters/advertisements
-Make sign up sheets

For the Month of December:

December 7th, Tuesday~
-First Audition (Without Bands because set up takes a long time)
From 3:45-5pm

December 14th, Tuesday~
-Second Audition (With Bands and others who missed the first audition)
From 3:45-5pm

Tasks: Any uncompleted tasks from November

For the Month of January

December 18th, Tuesday~
-Sound Check Rehearsal

December 20th, Thursday!
-Dress Rehearsal
From 4-6pm

(No specific dates):
-Collect donated items
-Decorations Set Up

This is all for now, more will be added. I am going to be meeting up with Mrs. Wombold every Thursday around 2:30. I just realized... it may conflict with peer tutoring, so the meeting time may change. For those who are following this project, please feel free to come to the meetings with me if you have any ideas you would like to share. Thanks!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

In response to my first entry...

Ok, so today after clarifying some of the questions I had, I've realized that this should be a semester long project. Meaning, I would have to definitely move the talent show date from May to perhaps January as a new school year event (or maybe in December for a winter holiday theme?)

I've also been trying to find a google calendar gadget to post up on my blog, to display my milestones or important dates. However, I found none that worked -_-. So I will just list the dates here temporarily, until I find a legit one.

Milestones (Rough Draft):

          -Decide on what the project is.
          -Organize blog (with calendar, pictures, and a to-do list)
          -Plan and figure out what tasks that needs to be completed and when.
          -October 15th or by next week, ask Mrs. Wombold if she is willing to be the mentor.
          -Mentor meeting: what tasks that needs to be accomplished.
          -Start assigining roles to potential followers for this project.-Create an outline or agenda for the talent show.
          -Start brainstorming talent show theme and decorations.
          -Think of audition dates.
          -Create a list of items needed.
          -Get outline approved by mentor, Mrs.Fitz and the administrator.
          -Talk to Lenore for booking the gym on the day of talent show
          -Talk to Bonnie about buying decorations and ticket sales.
          -Start ordering supplies needed.
          -Talk to Mr. Savishinsky to help with the sound system on the day of the Talent Show
          -Start advertising: audition and ticket sales poster/announcements.
          -Create sign-up sheets.
          -Ask teachers who are willing to be part of the panel of judges.
          -Arrange dates after school for audition (maybe 3 days?)
          -Finalize list of performers.
January: (After Winter Break)
          -Reminder of talent show (advertisements/announcements.)
          -Contact and remind performers/judges
          -Set up on the day before or day of talent show.

*Note: This list will remain the same until I get my dates and times finalized. And again, leadership kids, got any ideas? Blog it! :)


Project for the School Year of 2010-2011

So...I've thought about it and decided that one of my main leadership/ASB projects this year would be to facilitate the annual...

Aviation High School Talent Show

Since I've just thought of this project idea less than 10 hours ago, I haven't quite obtained much information in terms of what factors or required tasks that needs to be fulfilled, in order to make this project sucessful.

Here is the rough outline of the project (most likely I will add changes to it soon) but leadership kids, feel free to add in any suggestions or ideas that you have!

Time Frame:

-Start Date: NOW
-Finish Date: Around May (or sooner?)

Milestone Dates:

(A calendar will be posted up soon.)


Not sure, ideas? Mr. Savishinsky? (Experienced with music performance) Mrs. Wombold? (directed talent show few years ago)...

     Although this project would definitely require lots of hardwork and effort, I am confident that I can and leadership as a whole, can accomplish it. It will be successful because like every year, the end result is that everyone in the AHS community had fun and would be looking forward to another talent show next year. Which connects with our mission and goal as leaders of our school; to help make our school environment a place that students would enjoy to be in.
       Materials that I would be needing would be lots of decorations for the gym, tables, chairs, sound system, instruments, microphones. I would need at least 7-10 (or more!)people to help out with running errands, sending messages, help with decorations, backstage crew etc. I would also need to figure out who are going to be part of the panel of judges and the hosts for the evening.
      Some of the obstacles that I may face would be time managing. It may seem like the performance date is still months away, time flies by really fast and at least two tasks needs to be accomplished by the end of every week. Procrastination may come into play, however we (as in those who will be following this project) will definitely overcome that by supporting and helping each other out. In order for this talent show to be successful, we would need to rehearse, rehearse, REHEARSE. Performers, hosts, backstage crew will know their part well and transition time shouldn't lag.