Monday, November 29, 2010

Project Updates

Leading Projects:
Talent Show:
       Before Thanksgiving break, I was able to go talk to Mrs. Stark about booking the gym for the talent show auditions, rehearsal and the night of the performance. There were no conflicts except a minor one which was Music Club usually have band practices in the gym. However, that was resolved because I went and spoken with Mr. Savishinsky. After that, I went and gave an update to Mrs. Wombold. She sent me a task list from two years ago as a reference for me. Another task I've completed was making the Talent Show Audition Sigh-up sheet. Also, I was able to email Mrs. Gilman before the week ended, asking if it was possible to make a small announcement about the upcoming audition dates and it was successful. Today, I had a few help with making poster signs about the talent show audition dates and post it around the school. New tasks for me to do would be to read through the Talent Show Tasks List from Mrs.Wombold and start assigning jobs for the followers in this project.

AHS Thought/Express Yourself Wall:
          I officially begun the project today during the leadership class by drafting a list of potential questions that would be in the jar for people to pull out. Now, I am going to type up the questions and then cut out the ones that are approved, then place it all in a jar or box. I've also figured out how I'm going to manage the materials and looks like I wouldn't need to buy anything. I have the camera and Mrs.Fitz has eraseable white board markers.

Following Projects

The Wright School: (completed)
Seniors Holiday Party:
            I have been doing lots of research on what restaurant in Seattle would suit our party. I've came across Hardrock Cafe and found the terrace to be really nice. I've contacted and called the booking manager where she agreed to email me the menu selections and the agenda for that day. Apparently, the price range was over the expected value I've had in mind. Luckily, Wendy found a restaurant in burien where there is a private banquet room that we can be in for the party. Throughout this project, we also recieved lots of positive feedback and it seems like people are really interested in going.

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