Thursday, October 21, 2010

Milestone/Information Update!

So!, I've asked Mrs. Wombold, the advisor of Culture Club who coordinated the talent show a few years ago and she said yes! HOORAY! Also, we have planned a few important dates within the four months before showtime.

Here is the Milestone Update:

-Date: Friday, January 21
-Location: AHS Gym
-Time: 6:00 pm-8:30 or 9:00 pm
-Theme: Winter Wonderland (No creative name for talent show yet)

For the Month of October:

October 28th, Thursday~
-Get a rough layout of the gym, with decorations and organization of seating and stage, started
-Book the gym for January 21
-Discuss during ASB meeting about using ASB funds to purchase decorations.
-Create a list of jobs for potential helpers/followers.

For the Month of November:

(No specific dates yet)
-Assign jobs and tasks for helpers/followers
-Finalize gym layout
-Start looking through catalogs or websites and order decorations OR plan to make flyers to ask for after-Christmas decoration donations
-Start making posters/advertisements
-Make sign up sheets

For the Month of December:

December 7th, Tuesday~
-First Audition (Without Bands because set up takes a long time)
From 3:45-5pm

December 14th, Tuesday~
-Second Audition (With Bands and others who missed the first audition)
From 3:45-5pm

Tasks: Any uncompleted tasks from November

For the Month of January

December 18th, Tuesday~
-Sound Check Rehearsal

December 20th, Thursday!
-Dress Rehearsal
From 4-6pm

(No specific dates):
-Collect donated items
-Decorations Set Up

This is all for now, more will be added. I am going to be meeting up with Mrs. Wombold every Thursday around 2:30. I just realized... it may conflict with peer tutoring, so the meeting time may change. For those who are following this project, please feel free to come to the meetings with me if you have any ideas you would like to share. Thanks!


  1. Is that peer tutoring with the leadership group at our neighboring school? Does that take all of 7th period?

    We might plan to meet 7th period on Tuesday, or another option is to meet after school on Tuesday or Wednesday.

    When would you like to meet this next week?

  2. Yes, it is at North Hill Elementary and I believe it takes all of 7th period.

    I wouldn't mind meeting on Tuesday during 7th period, I'll check with Mrs.Fitz if she is ok with that.

    Next week, I would like to meet on Thursday again because since there is a lot of tasks to complete, we would have more time to discuss and plan. But starting from the second week of November or the next time we have peer tutoring in leadership, we can start meeting on Tuesdays. Are you fine with that?
