Thursday, October 14, 2010

In response to my first entry...

Ok, so today after clarifying some of the questions I had, I've realized that this should be a semester long project. Meaning, I would have to definitely move the talent show date from May to perhaps January as a new school year event (or maybe in December for a winter holiday theme?)

I've also been trying to find a google calendar gadget to post up on my blog, to display my milestones or important dates. However, I found none that worked -_-. So I will just list the dates here temporarily, until I find a legit one.

Milestones (Rough Draft):

          -Decide on what the project is.
          -Organize blog (with calendar, pictures, and a to-do list)
          -Plan and figure out what tasks that needs to be completed and when.
          -October 15th or by next week, ask Mrs. Wombold if she is willing to be the mentor.
          -Mentor meeting: what tasks that needs to be accomplished.
          -Start assigining roles to potential followers for this project.-Create an outline or agenda for the talent show.
          -Start brainstorming talent show theme and decorations.
          -Think of audition dates.
          -Create a list of items needed.
          -Get outline approved by mentor, Mrs.Fitz and the administrator.
          -Talk to Lenore for booking the gym on the day of talent show
          -Talk to Bonnie about buying decorations and ticket sales.
          -Start ordering supplies needed.
          -Talk to Mr. Savishinsky to help with the sound system on the day of the Talent Show
          -Start advertising: audition and ticket sales poster/announcements.
          -Create sign-up sheets.
          -Ask teachers who are willing to be part of the panel of judges.
          -Arrange dates after school for audition (maybe 3 days?)
          -Finalize list of performers.
January: (After Winter Break)
          -Reminder of talent show (advertisements/announcements.)
          -Contact and remind performers/judges
          -Set up on the day before or day of talent show.

*Note: This list will remain the same until I get my dates and times finalized. And again, leadership kids, got any ideas? Blog it! :)


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